Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hi Super Singers!

Keep checking this blog to look for and practice with videos and the lyrics to some of the songs that you'll be performing for the Winter Concerts on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2019!

This first post has:
1. The lyrics (the words) to the song "The Wells Fargo Wagon"
2. A recording of just the piano to practice with outside of school
3. A recording of me singing with the piano (don't mind my head cold!)

The Wells Fargo Wagon
  1. O-ho, the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin’ down the street,
    oh please let it be for me.___
    O-ho, the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin’ down the street,
    I wish, I wish I knew what it could be.___

I got a box of maple sugar on my birthday.___
In March, I got a gray mackinaw.___
And once I got some grapefruit from Tampa.
Montgom’ry Ward sent me a bathtub and a crosscut saw.

O-ho, the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin’ now.
Is it a prepaid surprise or C.O.D.?
It could be curtains, or dishes, or a   double boiler,
Or it could be, yes, it could be, yes, you’re right, it surely could be,
Somethin’ special, Somethin’ very, very special now. 
Just for me.__________

  1. O-ho, the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin’ down the street,
    Oh, don’t let him pass my door!_____
    O-ho, the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin’ down the street,
    I wish I knew what he was comin’ for.___

    I got some salmon from Seattle last September.___
    And I expect a new rockin’ chair.___
    I hope I get my raisins from Fresno.
The D.A.R. have sent a cannon for the courthouse square.

O-ho, the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin’ now, I don’t know how I can every wait to see.__
It could be somethin’ for someone who is  no relation,
But it could be, yes, it could be, yes, you’re right, it surely could be,
Somethin’ special, Somethin’ very, very special now. 
Just for me.__________

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