Sunday, March 22, 2020

"Canta conmigo" Lyrics and Video Link

Hi Everyone!

I miss making music with you and am working out the best way to record music at home.  In the mean time, here are the lyrics to "Canta conmigo."  We're singing it in the style of Elizabeth Mitchell and Suni Paz.  Here's a link to help you sing along and practice your pronunciation:

I hope to sing it in a key that's slightly higher and better suited for your ranges. 
Please be well and know that I'm thinking about your and your families!
-Ms. K.

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Tongue Twister Song Lyrics

The Cat Came Back Lyrics

The Birch Tree

Hi Chorus Singers!
I'm sorry to miss you during this break from school!  If you're looking for something else to work on, I would love it if you took a few minutes here and there to review a few of the pieces we're planning to perform in the spring.  

Note that for "The Birch Tree" each new group enters one measure after the previous group.  Look for the "1", "2", and "3" in the sheet music.  Here's a link to me singing a video:  THE BIRCH TREE PRACTICE VIDEO

I was racing to get some of these pieces recorded before the end of the day last Friday, so I'm sorry if it's not my best recording!

Thanks and be well!
Ms. Kasab

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Here's a new round for you to work on, as well!

Good night,
Slumber sound.
In peace profound
Till morning’s light.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Promised Land

Here's a video for "Promised Land" that shows the two parts.  I'll post the lyrics soon!

Promised Land  (Part 1 both times-Cic, Weissb.,Hanifin)
Brother, sister, lend an ear,
I’m headin’ for the promised land!__
Troubles soon will disappear,
I’m headin’ for the promised land!
When I reach it there will be    
    love and happiness awaitin’ for me,_
come along and you will see! 
I’m headin’ for the promised land!

I’ll be singin’ freedom’s song,
I’m headin’ for the promised land!

That’s the place where I belong,
I’m headin’ for the promised land!
I’ll get there one day I know;
now I’ve started I’m a-rarin’ to go__
where the milk and honey flow.
I’m headin’ for the promised land.

O, listen, don’t you hear that trumpet,
sounding forth the call?__
O, children, won’t you rise and follow,
one and all?___

Better days are now in view,
I’m headin’ for the promised land!
All my dreams are comin’ true,
I’m headin’ for the promised land!

Want to leave the past behind,
face the future with a hopeful mind.
Peace and joy I’ll surely find,
I’m headin’ for the promised land!
2nd ending
Headin’ for the promised land!
Headin’ for the promised land!____ yeah!

Part 2 (second time) – Murphy, Thornton, Warwick

Broth-er, sis-ter,
Lend an ear, for soon our troubles all will    disappear.
One day there’s bound to be
great love____ for you and me,
just wait   and   see!____
I’m headin’ for the promised land!

I’ll be singin’    free – dom’s song.
I want to find the place where
I belong; it’s waiting there,
I know, were milk____ and honey flow
so there__ I’ll__ go___
I’m headin’ for the promised land!__

O, listen, don’t you hear that trumpet,
sounding forth the call?__
O, children, won’t you rise and follow,
one and all?___

Bet – ter days__ are__
now in view, and all the dreams I dreamed are
comin’ true! I’ll leave the past___ be-hind__
and keep___ a hopeful mind for joy__ I’ll__ find___
I’m headin’ for the promised land!

Headin’ for the promised land!
Headin’ for the prom – ised land!_________ (yeah!)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Just One Candle

Here are the lyrics and a video and for you to sing with the accompaniment.  Please note that the voices are singing in parts at times.

Thanks for practicing!!  :-)